01/23 (Tue) – PTO Meeting 7pm Rm. 242
01/24 (Wed) – Picture Retakes
Spirit Week 02/05 – 02/08
Open Enrollment for 2018-2019
Please let your friends and neighbors know that Open Enrollment ends Wednesday, January 31st.
Parents: We are excited to announce a convenient new online process to complete enrollment applications for the 2018/19 school year! This process streamlines the new scholar application process. Simply click on this link: https://heritageacademyaz.com/index.php/enroll/
Sadie Hawkins Party
Box Tops
Remember, you can submit them anytime! All Box Tops turned in before March 1 will count towards the school’s April check.
2018-2019 Heritage Gateway Open House
The next Open House is on February 6th at 6:30 pm. This is a great opportunity for prospective families to meet teachers and faculty, take a tour of the campus and learn more about our school. Interested families can sign up by clicking here.
Athletic Department
Spring Sports Mandatory Meeting – for parents and athletes on Tuesday, Feb. 20th 5:30-6:30pm. The meeting will be held here on campus and there will be a meeting with both the Athletic Director and the individual coaches.
ECA Tax Credit – We are very proud of the fantastic fall sports season that our athletes had. As our winter sports season comes to an end and the spring season begins, please continue to spread the word about the ECA tax credits and recruiting new scholars to come to our campus. These will assist in our efforts to begin construction on the new gymnasium/auditorium.
Rio Salado Representative on Campus
Jr. History Tour
Attention parents of 7th and 8th graders: We are excited to announce that April 11-12, 2018 we will be going to Southern AZ for our Jr. High History Tour. There is still space available. Click on the following link for complete tour information: https://hagateway.com/tours/
PTO Announcements
The next PTO meeting is on Tuesday January 23rd.
Carpool Connection – Contact the PTO by clicking the following link: https://hagateway.com/form-carpool-list/
2017 – 2018 PTO Officers
President – Rick Vincent, rv2@firestik.com
Vice President – Chris Anderson, macl1696@msn.com
Treasurer – Darin and Bren Palmer, bren@nudream.com
Secretary – Kami Tietjen, tietjenclan@gmail.com
Communications Coordinator – Annie Movitz, armovitz@gmail.com
Historian – Lisa Dalton, lisadalton@heritageacademyaz.com
Carpool Committee Chair – Robyn Garner, robynhosky@cox.net
Board Member -Kerry Sampson, kerrysampson@gmail.com
Board Member – Adam Thompson, athompson@heritageacademyaz.com
Board Member – Linsey & Jason Smith, asnightfalls@me.com
Board Membe r – Lucia Norris, davidnlucia@gmail.com
Board Member – Elva Parker, parkermamabear@gmail.com