Each week, our scholar leaders plan fun and uplifting activities focused on improving our Mindset, Energy, Confidence, Kindness, and Action. (See for more information on MECKA, which was founded by one of our own Heritage Academy parents.)


Heritage Academy Gateway started its Robotics Club this year, and called the club “Herobotix”.  In Herobotix, scholars have the opportunity to design, build and compete with their robots.  Scholars also learn (among other things) scientific, engineering, programming, , leadership, marketing, videography, and public speaking skills.  (Take a look at the Herobotix website.)

This year we entered three rookie teams into the First Tech Challenge competitions.

  1. Herobotix C.I.S. – Team #22256
  2. Herobotix Spar-Tech – Team #22257
  3. Herobotix Beanibots – Team #22258

Each of the teams complete in multiple scrimmages and two all-Saturday competitions with teams from around the valley.  One of our teams (CIS) even made it to the state competitions in Flagstaff.  Each year, the season begins each year in August, and runs through at least February.  State, national and world competitions follow the season from March through May.

