
While teaching the academic disciplines, Heritage Academy is dedicated to instilling into the minds and hearts of today’s youth a knowledge of and respect for the ideals and values of the great men and women of history, including those who founded the American nation.

See the course catalog for Heritage Academy Gateway High School campus. CLICK HERE FOR THE 2025-2026 COURSE CATALOG

Grades and Credits

All courses taught for credit receive a letter grade or a pass/fail option. Grade point and the percentage used are listed below.  Dual Enrollment classes are weighted on a 5.0 scale.

Please note, students earning a letter grade of a “D” in an academic course will not received credit in that class and will need to repeat the course.

Percentage Letter Grade
90 & Above A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
59 & below F

High School Curriculum Requirements/Recommendations

Heritage Academy offers one scholastic diploma; all scholars are required to earn 26 credits and meet the requirements listed below for graduation. Additionally, scholars are encouraged to achieve excellence beyond the requirements for graduation. Those who go beyond the requirements for graduation may enroll in one or more honors classes. Scholars who plan on attending a 4-year college or university should pay particular attention to the requirements below. Those attending a junior college will also need to satisfy all the entrance requirements of the Arizona universities, either in high school or at the junior college level before advancing.

Heritage Academy Curriculum General Graduation Requirements Dual Enrollment Courses In-State University / College Competencies
ENGLISH 4 credits 2 4 credits

(composition and literature based)

MATH 4 credits  3  4 credits

1 year each of: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and an advanced class where Algebra II is prerequisite

SCIENCE  4 credits

Must complete 1 credit each of 3 different sciences. (Bio, Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy & Physiology)

6 4 credits

1 credit each of 3 different lab sciences selected from the following: Chemistry, Physics, or Biology, Earth Science

HISTORY   4 credits  3 2 credits

Am. Hist. and 1 other

FOREIGN LANG. 2 credits  4 2 credits

2 years of same language

FINE ARTS 1 credit 2 1 credit
PE 1 credit
ELECTIVE COURSES 6 credits 11 4
TOTAL REQUIRED 26 credits 20

All high school scholars are encouraged to expand and improve their talents. We encourage scholars to take an interest in and involve themselves in music, art, and sports. All scholars wishing to join the orchestra or choir will audition and be placed according to skill level. Classes are available from beginning to advanced levels.Scholars are also encouraged to develop their physical abilities. Team sports will compete in the Charter Athletic Association. (CAA)  For course descriptions please see descriptions as listed in the High School Curriculum guide below.

High School Course Electives


Required Courses for Graduation
Listed below are the courses required of all scholars graduating from Heritage Academy. In addition to these required courses, scholars may take additional courses described in each department to achieve greater mastery and earn a certificate of distinction.


Recommended High School Course Sequence
