Weekly Campus Update March 25th

03/26 - PTO meeting 7pm Rm. 242 03/27 - CGCC Spring Choral Festival 03/28 - Dollars 4 Duds 04/01 - 04/04 - AZ Merit and ACT testing (see schedule for start times) 04/11 - Dollars 4 Duds 04/11 - Prom 7pm @ Schnepf Farms 04/16 - PTO meeting [...]

By |2019-03-25T15:25:22-07:00March 25th, 2019|Announcement, News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly Campus Update March 25th

Weekly Campus Update March 4th

03/05 - Choir Concert 7pm Higley Center for the Performing Arts 03/08 - 03/24 -  No School Spring Break 03/26 - PTO meeting 7pm Rm. 242 03/27 - CGCC Spring Choral Festival 03/28 - Dollars 4 Duds If you are interested in joining the PTO board for [...]

By |2019-03-04T15:18:13-07:00March 4th, 2019|Blog, News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Weekly Campus Update March 4th
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