  • 05/14 (Mon) Spring Dance Concert 7 pm Higley Center for the Performing Arts
  • 05/15 (Tue) Choir Concert 7 pm Higley Center for the Performing Arts
  • 05/17 (Thu)  Instrumental Music Concert  6:30 – 8pm Campo Verde High School
  • 05/17 (Thu) Dollars 4 Duds
  • 05/21 (Mon) All 8 day
  • 05/21 (Mon) Dollar$ 4 Duds
  • 05/21 (Mon) Kona Ice on Campus
  • 05/22 – 05/23 Final Exams
  • 05/23 (Wed) Last Day of Classes
    • Senior Breakfast 8 – 9:30 am
  • 05/24 (Thu) Jr. High Awards Assembly 9 – 10:15 am Higley Center for the Performing Arts
  • 05/24 (Thu) Sr. High Awards Assembly 10:30 – 12:00 pm Higley Center for the Performing Arts
  • 05/24 (Thu) Graduation Ceremony 7 – 8:30 pm Higley Center for the Performing Arts
  • 05-25 (Fri) Orchestra Field Trip to Phoenix Symphony

It is time once again for our semi-annual scholar art show.  The art will remain up Mon. – Wed., May 14 -16 in the school lobby. Family members are invited and encouraged to come in and view the artwork that our art scholars have worked so hard to create. Come in during drop off, pick up or anytime in-between.

Gently Used Uniforms for Sale

PTO has several gently used uniforms they will be selling for $3 each in the office on Monday 05/21 and Tuesday 05/22 starting at 3pm. Supplies and sizes are limited.  If you are interested it is a first come, first serve.

2018-2019 Liberty Tour

Next Payment of $200 is due May 15th!

Rio Salado is now accepting Tuition Assistance applications for the 2018-2019 school year for eligible students on a first-come-first-served basis. Assistance will be awarded based on financial need for a maximum of 12 credit hours for the 2018-2019 academic year. All completed applications must be submitted no later than May 31, 2018.  For more information please contact Rio Salado at 480-517-8080

Apply now for Tuition Assistance for the 2018-2019 school year!

Click here for the Summer Sale Flyer 2018.  Click here for Package Price Sheet.
 Box Tops

Don't miss out on cash for your school

Remember, we are still collecting Box Tops. You can submit them at anytime!

Did you hear? Heritage Academy has selected a lunch service for the 2018-2019 school year that everyone is excited about! My Hot Lunchbox will be providing lunch for all Heritage Academy campuses. Click here for info.

Athletic Department

Stop! Before you register for classes for the 18-19 School Year visit The Athletics Webpage to read some important new and exciting enhancements/changes coming to the Athletics Department.

Now accepting coaching resumes for all sports for the upcoming 18-19 school year. I am particularly looking for Boys Volleyball coaches. Interested persons can contact Coach Godfrey directly at: Interviews are currently ongoing so submit your resume today!

Coming Summer of 2018.  Sports Camps. Register today, spots are limited! Quite a few camps to choose from this summer. Details can be found here. Payment can be made online here.
Mark your Calendars! Schedule of Mandatory Parent-Athlete Meetings for the 2018-2019 School Year. Your scholar athlete will not be cleared to participate without attending these meetings. You only need to attend with your athlete during the sports season in which they are participating in a sport. All Meetings will be held here at campus from 5:30-6:30pm.

Fall Sports Season: Wednesday, July 25th

Winter Sports Season: Wednesday, October 17th

Spring Sports Season: Wednesday, January 23rd

Remember that the Heritage PE uniforms (both top and bottoms) are required for all PE and sports classes starting with the 18-19 school year. Click here to order yours today if your athlete doesn’t already have one. No other options (including school shirts from camps or other classes) will be accepted as being compliant with the PE Dress Code.

PTO Announcements

Stay Connected – Keep up-to-date on school events by joining our Heritage Academy Gateway closed group on Facebook. Send a request to join today:

We would like to thank the current PTO for all of their hard work and many hours that they committed to our Gateway campus this past year.  They raised $20,000 and most went back into the classrooms.   Last Tuesday the PTO held elections for new officers.  The 2018-2019 board will be:

Co-Presidents:        Chris and Marc Anderson

Vice-President:       Kami Tietjen

Secretary:                Stephanie Leavitt

Co-Treasurers:        Bren and Darin Palmer

Historian:                 Lisa Dalton

Communications:   Rachael Koch

Board Members: 

Rick Vincent

Carolyn Whiting

Lucia Norris

Michelle Volk

Libby Francis

Marti Neciosup

PTO is always looking for new faces and extra hands to help.  Meetings will be held the third Tuesday of the month.  All dates are posted on the school calendar.