Open: June 4 – June 28 Monday – Thursday 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.
Campus closed: June 29 – July 08
Open: July 09 – July 19 Monday – Thursday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.
2018-2019 Liberty Tour
Next Payment of $300 is due July 15th!
Athletic Department
Stop! Before you register for classes for the 18-19 School Year visit The Athletics Webpage to read some important new and exciting enhancements/changes coming to the Athletics Department.
Now accepting coaching resumes for all sports for the upcoming 18-19 school year. I am particularly looking for Boys Volleyball coaches. Interested persons can contact Coach Godfrey directly at: Interviews are currently ongoing so submit your resume today!
Fall Sports Season: Wednesday, July 25th
Winter Sports Season: Wednesday, October 17th
Spring Sports Season: Wednesday, January 23rd
Remember that the Heritage PE uniforms (both top and bottoms) are required for all PE and sports classes starting with the 18-19 school year. Click here to order yours today if your athlete doesn’t already have one. No other options (including school shirts from camps or other classes) will be accepted as being compliant with the PE Dress Code.
PTO Announcements
Stay Connected – Keep up-to-date on school events by joining our Heritage Academy Gateway closed group on Facebook. Send a request to join today:
Co-Presidents: Chris and Marc Anderson
Vice-President: Kami Tietjen
Secretary: Stephanie Leavitt
Co-Treasurers: Bren and Darin Palmer
Historian: Lisa Dalton
Communications: Rachael Koch
Board Members:
Rick Vincent
Carolyn Whiting
Lucia Norris
Michelle Volk
Libby Francis
Marti Neciosup