Click Here To sign up for the Open House on February 19th at 5:30 pm.
Traffic Flow– The traffic flow will improve once construction is completed. However, in the mean time, let’s be respectful to our neighbors. Please do not park, loiter, or wait in the “La Jara Farms” neighborhood; nor park, loiter, or wait in the gore along the west side of the school along Germann. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.
Please help us stay germ-free and consider sending your child to school with a box of tissues, a bottle of hand sanitizer or a package of disinfectant wipes. Items may be dropped off at the front office.
Independence Study Tour
Heritage Academy – Gateway’s Annual American History Excursion to Williamsburg, Monticello, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, Valley Forge, Gettysburg, and much more!
Open to full-time 11th and 12th graders only for the 2019-2020 academic year.
Sunday September 29th – Saturday, October 5, 2019 (6 Days, 5 Nights)
First $100 deposit due April 1st *See the attached flier for details Click Here
- Summer Sports Camp information will be coming out soon.
- Spring Game Schedule -You may start checking to check your spring athlete’s game schedule
Earn an Associates Degree at Heritage Academy!
- Do you want to learn how to maximize your early college credits?
- How about ways to save time and money toward your bachelor’s degree?
NAU, GCU & Ben U Visit February 19 Northern Arizona University, Grand Canyon University and Benedictine University are coming together to ensure you and your family are well informed about the opportunities and resources available to you. The representatives will be available to discuss admissions, programs, scholarships, and financial aid. Stop by and visit with the representatives during both lunches. Questions? Please contact Anna Weiler at 480-390-4381 or
Ben U Business Fast Track – Click For More Information
Ben U Criminal Justice Fast Track – Click For More Information
Dual Enrollment Registration Enroll by Feb. 11 to receive college credit for your high school classes. If you need assistance with registration or admissions, please contact Mrs. Weiler. See the link for course section numbers:
Benedictine University Mesa Open House – February 21 6-8 pm Join us for a special informational session at Benedictine University (at their Mesa campus) on February 21, from 6-8 pm. Learn about the FastTrack to Bachelor’s program for our Heritage scholars, take a campus tour, and explore their degree programs! All grade levels welcome. Click here for flyer
Join us Feb. 19 at the Heritage Academy Gateway campus from 3:30-5:00 pm. Meet with the representative from BYU-I. Learn about admissions and programs. If you have already been accepted to BYU-I, then bring your questions and learn about the next step. Don’t miss it! Open to all of our Heritage families and scholars!
Seminar & College Fair Tuesday, February 26 (6:30-8:00 pm) For parents and their scholars 8th-12th grades. Eighth graders will be able to discuss high school planning including opportunities to earn college credit while in high school. Heritage Academy is proud to offer a number of ways to earn college credit including dual enrollment. This is the time to plan to make the most of the next four years!
For those scholars already looking ahead to college, please join us to learn more about college planning. We will discuss the college application process and university and college representatives will be available from Rio Salado, Benedictine University, Grand Canyon University, U of A, ASU, NAU, and other local colleges.
College Planning Meetings Parents and scholars, do you have questions regarding College planning? Below is a list of topics that you may want to consider. Schedule your appointment now with our Director of College Relations.
- High school course selection
- Early College Program – Dual enrollment, AP & CLEP
- Earning an Associates Degree at Heritage Academy
- ACT/SAT/PSAT (Which test and when?)
- Financial Aid (Scholarships, Grants, Loans & FAFSA)
Heritage Academy College Resources is now available on Social Media. Scholars and families that follow will receive information, such as, upcoming events, dual enrollment, scholarship opportunities/deadlines, ACT/SAT testing dates/tips, College and University information, FAFSA, community service opportunities, college/job application tips, 7-12 yearly checklist reminders, and more.
Facebook @HACollegeResources or
Instagram @HACollegePrep or
Used Uniforms – PTO is always looking for heritage uniforms that are in good condition to resell to other families. This includes uniform shirts, pants or shorts, jackets or sweatshirts and only approved PE apparel. Please drop off in the office. Thank you in advance.
Stay Connected – Connect with other Heritage Gateway families, ask questions, get information, and stay connected! Request to join our Heritage Academy Gateway closed group on Facebook today:
Co-Presidents: Chris and Marc Anderson
Vice-President: Julie Wright
Secretary: Stephanie Leavitt
Co-Treasurers: Bren and Darin Palmer
Historian: Lisa Dalton
Communications: Rachael Koch
Board Members:
Rick Vincent
Carolyn Whiting
Lucia Norris
Michelle Volk
Libby Francis
Marti Neciosup