Office Hours: July 27th – August 18th 9:00 AM-1:00 PM by appointment only.
Please call the school office at 480-461-4400 to schedule an appointment.
We will still be answering phone calls and emails Monday – Thursday 7:30 – 4:00 pm
Citizenship lessons are being offered once a week during online school, every Wednesday at 11:30 a.m. Teachers with A2 classes are posting the videos every Monday for students to view, but they (and any other interested family members) are also welcome to join the live Google Meet session. The recorded videos and the link for the Google Meet session are available here:
Lunch Information: Once we are back on campus lunches will be provided by My Hot Lunchbox. You will receive an invitation to create an account and select your meal options prior to the first “on campus” day of school. Scholars can also bring a lunch from home. My Hot Lunchbox Flyer
Parking Pass Information: We will notify families when parking passes are available for purchase. We do not plan to do this until we are certain of a re-opening date.
Access to Google Classroom: All Heritage scholars have been assigned an email address to use to sign-in to Google Classroom. They will use their Student ID found on their PowerSchool Login for their unique email. Please follow the attached link for information on how to access your student email and other pertinent information regarding Google Classroom: Heritage Gateway Technology Resources
Scholars will be contacted by their specific teachers with information about picking up any necessary course materials .

Please purchase your uniforms sooner rather than later. The turnaround time for uniform orders is longer the closer we get to the start of school. The PE uniform is required to be worn in all sports classes.
During Online class, scholars are expected to have their haircut, facial hair shaved, all rules adhered to except that the uniform isn’t required. It’ll be a dollar for duds standard for clothing
Course Requests & PowerSchool Logins: You may check your PowerSchool account to review your course requests for the upcoming school year. Your PowerSchool login information was sent to you in a separate email. How To Log In To Powerschool
Course Request Changes: changes to a scholar’s schedule may be possible on a limited basis:
- If a scholar has a documented medical condition that prevents them from participating in a class. For school record keeping purposes, it is preferred that a doctor’s note be provided.
- If a scholar was incorrectly scheduled for an academic class (e.g. Pre-algebra instead of geometry).
- If a teacher recommends that a specific schedule change be made for academic reasons.
Athletic Department
Click Here for 2020-2021 Athletic Packets
If you still have a uniform from last year please contact Coach Leavitt to make arrangements to drop it off.
Elective Course Fees: Please keep in mind, our sports course fees are for the class, not the sport. All fees for fall semester (including winter sports) will be due once we are back on campus in-person. Our payment system will migrate to an improved online system called My School Bucks. Your scholar’s schedule is set, the system will auto-generate an invoice for any class fees and email you the invoice. You will NOT need to login and pay prior to receiving an invoice from Heritage Academy. It will prompt you to log in. You will be able to pay PTO dues and buy yearbooks using the shopping cart of My School Bucks at that time as well.
College Advising
College Advising: Attention all high school dual enrollment scholars
Registration for your dual enrollment (de) courses will not be available until Monday, July 27th. I will be sending out instructions on how to register and pay for your classes, along with your course section numbers by the end of the week.
As a reminder for all Freshman and incoming high school scholars new to de courses, please make sure you have completed your admissions to Rio Salado College to ensure there are no holds or restrictions on your account so you can register next week. These include the following;
Step One: Apply to Rio Salado College
Step Two: Upload Your Scholar’s Heritage I.D. card AND birth certificate
*If you experience issues uploading the documents, please email your documents to Maria Radostits
Step Three: Complete the Under 18/Financial Consent Form
Step Four: Complete the Critical Reading and Thinking Placement Exam
If you have any questions please email
Stay Connected – Connect with other Heritage Gateway families, ask questions, get information, and stay connected! Request to join our Heritage Academy Gateway closed group on Facebook today:
Acting President: Adam Thompson
Secretary: Stephanie Leavitt
Treasurer: Marti Neciosup
Communications: Rachael Koch
Car Pool Coordinator:
Board Members: Libby Francis