**Attention all those who currently have a parking permit.
- You must stop by the front office and ask for a parking permit form.
- Complete the form and return with the $50 fee (exact cash or check made payable to Heritage Academy) to Mrs. DeSpain no later than 4/28/22.
- If you are graduating and have a sibling who needs your permit for next school year:
- They must provide a copy of their current driver’s license or proof of license by 9/15/22 or the parking permit will be refunded.
- Please also have them complete the steps above.
- If you are graduating and have a sibling who needs your permit for next school year:
- Your new parking permit to hang in your car will be available for pick up after 4/25/22 in the front office.

2022-2023 School Year New Scholar Enrollment- Do you have friends or family members that do not currently attend Heritage and would like to join us next year? Open Enrollment closed on December 31st. However, we are still accepting applications. Siblings of currently enrolled Heritage Academy scholars will receive priority. Be sure to mark the appropriate box on the application. CLICK HERE TO ENROLL TODAY
Hats – No hats will be allowed on campus this year except for the Heritage uniform hat, which can be purchased at the links below and picked up in the Athletic Directors office. Scholars will be asked to remove their hats while in the building.
Join the PTO – Have a high-schooler attending Heritage Academy Gateway next year? Interested in being more involved with your scholars education?We would love to have you Join the PTO!
Email Melissaswalton@yahoo.com for more information.
Stay Connected – Connect with other Heritage Gateway families, ask questions, get information, and stay connected! Request to join our Heritage Academy Gateway closed group on Facebook today: https://www.facebook.com/groups/242450109213019/
President: Melissa Walton
Vice President: Adam Thompson
Treasurer: Jonathan Catlin
Secretary: Lindsay Palmer
Historian: Tyler Bergeron
Communications: Suzy Irwin