It’s not too late to sign up!
Do you have questions? Join us for a Q & A session?
Heritage Academy Tours Webinar
Friday, May 12 · 19:00 – 19:45
Time zone: America/Phoenix
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/tgo-tbdo-xoq
Or dial: (US) +1 669-241-0028 PIN: 947 817 773#
Heritage Academy’s 24th Semi-Annual American History Excursion
“Independence History Tour”
Williamsburg, Washington DC, Philadelphia
Sun/Mon, October 8/9 – Saturday, October 14, 2023 – (6 days / 5 nights)
Independence Tour Flyer and Itinerary

FC Arizona Soccer team has invited all Heritage Academy Gateway students to attend any of their home games for FREE, no ticket necessary. Just say you are from Heritage Academy Gateway! The next game is May 13th at 8:00 pm, at Campo Verde High School. Mom’s will also enter the match for free, and will be celebrated in honor of Mother’s Day.
Thank you!
Yearbook signing party
Thursday, May 18th after school till 5 pm in the Gym and in the courtyard. Yearbook Distribution will be during lunchtime in the Gym. Seniors may come to get their yearbooks first thing in the morning before school starts.