Swim Team Fundraisers
Join us at Bahama Buck’s on 10/24/2022 (corner of Rittenhouse and Ocotillo in Queen Creek) to raise money for Heritage Academy Gateway Swim Team. Show this post at the register or mention to a Crew Member that you are with Heritage Academy Gateway Swim Team.
Join us at Rubio’s on 10/26/2022 to raise money for Heritage Academy Gateway Swim Team. Show the attached flyer at the register or use the promo code “Donate” at checkout for online or mobile orders
“Our Little Snow Shack” is coming to Homecoming.
Bring cash to buy drinks!
There is still time to order Fresh Lei’s, Corsages, or Boutonnieres for Homecoming and Support the Choir Program!
Orders may be placed on MySchoolBucks until Wednesday, Oct. 25th
Pick-up: Oct. 27th & 28th.
Pick-up location: Floral Creations, LLC 21875 S 195th St. Queen Creek, AZ 85142, major crossroads Sossaman and Ocotillo.
Contact Joanne with any questions or to indicate a ribbon color for the corsage joanne@thejarmans.us
Spanish and Science Tour Puerto Rico
Imagine! Sparkling Caribbean beaches with turquoise warm water, glow-in-the-dark bioluminescent bays, enchanted rainforests, majestic mountains, over 500 years of history and culture in Old San Juan. With music, dance, traditional island food, Puerto Rico is waiting for you! 9th and 10th grade high school scholars, come join us this Spring break, March 12-18, 2023.
Questions contact the tour coordinator Mrs. Lewis: slewis@heritageacademyaz.com
Click Here for Complete Itinerary and Details
After you have signed up, you will be invoiced for the tour.
All payments must coordinated be via MySchoolBucks. Do NOT pay an invoice directly with ECA tax credit funds.

The price of a yearbook will increase Nov., 1st to $50
Click here for Yearbook Purchase
Senior Ads are available. $100 full page or $50 half page
Click here for Senior Ad Purchase