Drama/Performance Distinction

Drama Distinction will be awarded to those graduating seniors who have completed the following requirements:

  • 3 semesters of Drama classes, with at least one of those being Honors Drama
  • No grade lower than A- in any drama class
  • Participation in at least one school play; must audition for minimum of one musical
  • Completion of at least one semester of Stage Craft class with no grade lower than A-.
  • Reading of the book “Respect For Acting” by Uta Hagen, and a discussion with Mr. Helmbold about the book. Scholars may be asked to write an essay on various aspects of the book.

Distinction in Band 

Scholars must complete the requirements listed below throughout their high school years and build a portfolio that contains evidence and artifacts meeting the listed criteria.

  • Be a member in good standing of a Heritage band ensemble (i.e. present, on time and prepared for all rehearsals and performances) for a minimum of five semesters, two of which must be in an advanced-level class.
  • Consistently perform assigned technique at an exemplary level.
  • Prepare and audition for the Regional Honor Band.
  • Participate in a Solo & Ensemble festival, studio recital, or audition for a high school solo opportunity.
  • Take private lessons.
  • Actively lead as a member of the ensemble through conscious effort and preparation.
  • Have exemplary rehearsal behavior and actively offer insight, feedback, or reflection.
  • Mentor a younger student in any performing ensemble.
  • Attend another high school’s band performance and provide a written reflection.
  • Attend a performance by a professional or community ensemble.
  • Share time and talents with others by performing in the community.
  • Volunteer at least 2 hours to help with organizational service such as sorting music, filing, copying, preparing programs, etc.
  • Volunteer to assist with concert set-up at least twice.

Scholars must meet with instructor by April 10 of their senior year to discuss and share portfolio and reflections.

Distinction in Orchestra

Scholars must complete the requirements listed below throughout their high school years and build a portfolio that contains evidence and artifacts meeting the listed criteria.

  • Be a member in good standing of the Heritage orchestra program (i.e. present, on time and prepared for all rehearsals and performances) for a minimum of five semesters, two of which must be in an advanced-level class.
  • Consistently perform assigned technique at an exemplary level.
  • Prepare and audition for the Regional Honor Orchestra.
  • Participate in a Solo & Ensemble festival, studio recital, or audition for a high school solo opportunity.
  • Take private lessons.
  • Actively lead as a member of the ensemble through conscious effort and preparation.
  • Have exemplary rehearsal behavior and actively offer insight, feedback, or reflection.
  • Mentor a younger student in any performing ensemble.
  • Attend another high school’s orchestra performance and provide a written reflection.
  • Attend a performance by a professional or community ensemble.
  • Share time and talents with others by performing in the community.
  • Volunteer at least 2 hours to help with organizational service such as sorting music, filing, copying, preparing programs, etc.
  • Volunteer to assist with concert set-up at least twice.

Scholars must meet with the instructor by April 10 of their senior year to discuss and share portfolio and reflections.

Distinction in Ballroom Dance

  • Student must take five semesters of Ballroom Dance–one of which is Ballroom III or higher.
  • Student must teach (under direction of the teacher) three sessions of in-class instruction including steps from three different dances.
  • Student must write a four page typed, 12 pt font, double spaced research paper (subject to be approved in advance) with a works cited page.
  • Student must participate in five Outside of Class dance activities–specifically ballroom dancing in a social setting.
  • Student must choreograph a social dance mixer, write up the choreography, create an instruction video, and teach it to a ballroom or social dance class.
  • Student must choreograph and perform a ballroom “solo” and perform it in front of an audience before they graduate.
  • Student mush choreograph a team routine and teach it to the class