Principal Arnold
Dear Heritage Academy Gateway K-8 Families,
It is an honor to introduce myself as the principal of Heritage Academy Gateway K-8. I consider it a privilege to be at this extraordinary school and look forward to working with and getting to know many of you! I share the vision of Heritage Academy in creating a safe and caring environment for children while providing a world-class education.
The 2024-2025 school year marks my 25th year in education. Those years have been filled with so many great memories of supporting students, teachers, and families. My experience includes fourteen years teaching Kindergarten, 2nd Grade, 4th Grade, and 5th Grade. I also coached and was the Student Council Advisor at the Junior High level. I then accepted a position as a principal of a K-6 charter school where I served for four years. At that time, I accepted the Director of Education role, where I supervised the K-12 academic environment of the schools in our district for three years. I missed campus life and daily interactions with students and teachers terribly, so the opportunity to open this brand-new campus three years ago was a dream come true! I am thrilled to share my experience and passion with the families of Heritage Academy as we begin this journey educating our youngest minds!
I have dedicated my life to serving and taking care of other people’s children. I know students see their school family more than their personal families during the school week. My most important job is to make sure that everyone who walks through our doors – teachers, students, and families – is excited to be here! This attitude will allow us to achieve academic excellence in a fun, positive, and nurturing environment. Inspiring teachers to love their job and their students so that climate is evident is one of my greatest passions.
I look forward to conversations with school staff and families as we enter our second year. Successful students are built from a cooperative effort between school and home. One cannot survive without the other. Parents deserve to feel at ease about the educational choice for their children. Students deserve to feel loved and cared for, excited about learning, and eager to come to school. Teachers deserve to have support and leadership from administration to meet the needs of their scholars. It is my plan to bring all those things together, so our scholars have the best opportunity for learning and growth at Heritage Academy Gateway K-8!