Please purchase school uniforms sooner rather than later. The turnaround time for uniform orders is longer the closer we get to the start of school. The PE uniform is required to be worn in all sports classes. Click Here for Uniform Vendors
Dress & Grooming Reminders:
- Hair – “Hair should not distract from the learning environment. It must be a natural color and should not cover the eyes. Boys’ hair length should be above the collar and not touching the ears. Man buns are not allowed. Any sideburns are to be no lower than the ear lobe. Boys are to be clean-shaven. Girls’ hair can be any length, but must not be extreme in style.” Scholars with extreme or inappropriate hairstyles will be sent home.
- Uniform – All scholars are expected to be in full uniform every day at school. Scholars out of uniform will be required to change and may possibly be sent home.
- Piercings – The handbook only allows for one piercing on the ears of girls. All other piercings should be removed when a scholar attends school. Scholars will be asked to remove piercings and may pick them up from the principal at the end of the day.
- Hats – No hats will be allowed on campus this year except for the Heritage uniform hat, which can be purchased from the Athletic Director. Scholars will be asked to remove their hats while in the building.
Our school number for 7th – 12th-grade clothing is 900147471. Enter this # to find the approved items for Heritage JH/HS.